Saturday, 20 December 2014

Task 9: CD case plan

Today we planned out what we were going to have on each panel and the colour scheme that is going to be used; black, yellow and white. For the front cover we kind of put both of Ed Sheeran's previous albums together by using the close up from '+'  and the 'X' from multiply. 

We chose this shade of yellow because it wasn't too bright and it matches the colour of the subway from the music video.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Task 8: Feedback of digipak case studies

After presenting the research and planning of our digipack to the class we decided to:

  • Have an image of the artist looking away from the camera for the front cover and the poster image to convey is sad mood to the audience
  • Continue with our colour scheme of yellow, black and white as it links well with Ed Sheeran's previous productions
  • Use mostly location shots because of our actors timetable which prevents us from shooting in the studio and also because of the genre and the artist whose work isn't usually over produced meaning it will be conventional

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Task 8: Digipak case study so far

So far I have collected various pictures albums and poster advertisements from artists similar to Ed Sheeran including, Tom Odell and George Ezra

Friday, 21 November 2014

Task 7: Final editing

Today gaps were filled with new footage and transitions were added to make the video flow smoothly. 

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Task 6: Second day of filming

Due to us running over schedule because of cancellations this filming session was our last, meaning that we had to record the remaining half of the song in one location (Hackney Downs park) to ensure that we didn't waste anymore time. This included the third verse and 2 choruses being filmed at the cafe, and the memorial bench scene.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

First draft feedback

Due to cancellations from our actor we could only present half of the music video because we didn't have the rest of the footage. The key points from the feedback:
  • The class liked the chosen location for the first verse 
  • The transition between the flashbacks are good
  • The tunnel scene for the first verse is a bit too long so needs to be cut into more
  • For the next two locations our actor needs to move his mouth more so the lyrics he is singing are clear

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Task 7: Even more editing

Today Mumina organised and edited the flashback from the first chorus

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Task 7: More editing

When filming the lift scene as the lighting of the estate was too dim to see the actor and the ISO couldn't be increased or the filming would have come out grainy so in this editing session we used colour corrector again to improve the quality of the shots.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Task 7: First editing session

Today we started editing the opening of the video where our protagonist lip synced the first verse and chorus. There were some parts where the lighting in the tunnel wasn't the same when the camera shots changed, so we had to use colour corrector to fix this problem. It also took us a while to match up the lip syncing with the track because our actor was not moving his mouth enough making it difficult to know which part he was singing.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Filming cancelled

We were supposed to be filming again on the 1/11/2014 but the heavy rain would have made it difficult to film and probably would have damaged some of the equipment

Friday, 31 October 2014

Team meeting #5

After our first day of filming we had a meeting and made a list of what else needed to be filmed and how we were going to avoid issues such as the full memory card etc. for next time.
We assigned times to the specific locations to ensure that no time will be wasted when filming this time.

Booking form

Booking form for second filming session

Sunday, 26 October 2014

TASK 6: First day of filming

On the 26/10/2014 we started off filming the beginning of our music video. We went to Bromley-by-Bow to film the estate and the shops scenes. This consisted of and establishing shot, various shots of the protagonist along the balcony and coming out of the shop. Throughout the day we also filmed him lip syncing the first verse and the chorus although he didn't know the lyrics well so most of that footage was not included in the editing.

When we got to the canal to film the flashback it had started to rain so we had to improvise a flashback which involved the characters walking and talking under an umbrella.
We also found a park that was closer so decided to film there in stead of wasting time travelling to the other park that we planned on filming at because it started to get dark.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Team meeting #4

After many failed attempts at filming due to our actors being unavailable we have finally decided we are going to this weekend and so have written down what exactly we're filming and what props we would need.

Saturday, 18 October 2014

2nd Group chat

A group chat has been made in order to include the actors in the plans for the video.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Team meeting #3

Today we finally got an actor to play the protagonist of the music video. After our team meeting we decided that filming will begin on the 18/10/2014. The filming session will include the journey in between the main locations so will be filmed on the estate, the streets, the shop and some of the canal. We also bought the props that will be needed for the filming session tomorrow; hairband and a drink.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

1st group chat

 In this chat we discussed group roles in terms of props and recees

Music vid update

Today we sorted out the final pieces needed for the pre production task by uploading and printing the recces, agreeing on production team roles and printing out the risk assessment.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Team meeting #2

In today's team meeting we discussed who will be getting each prop.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Task 5 (Preproduction): Recees


Today we held auditions for our video. Many students turned up, however they were all female which wasn't good because we wasn't able to see the chemistry between both characters as well as the fact that the protagonist for our video is male. 

Audition brief

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Music video planning

During our group meeting we made a step by step list of what is going to be happening at each of the locations, who's going to be in those scenes, what type of editing and shots are going to be used in the shots etc. We also analysed the lyrics and again planned what would be happening during the verses as well as how it would end. There are many ideas we have come up with to show the death/memorial and the end by we haven't chosen one, hopefully this will be done in the next meeting.

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Team meeting #1

In our team meeting today we agreed on when our first filming session will be; 11/10/2014, how long we would film for and what will be filmed. Due to us only having a male character so far we decided to try and film all the scenes where the girl is not need e.g estate, streets etc. We also discussed what props would be needed for the day as well as what camera shots we would including.

Our actor cancelled so filming was postponed to 26/10/2014 when we would have both actors present.

Final Pitch

Friday, 26 September 2014

Task 3: Research and planning: copyright

To ensure we did not have any copyright issues we emailed Ed Sheeran's record label asking for permission to use the track